
This is the repetitive presence of a pain

Comes & goes

I am the one who sees & goes

We are the people who tell & go

 & it is pleasure that comes & remains

For us who interpret ,describe

& again

You are the one who stays forever, you are repeated.


For six years and counting my husband and I have been battling the Norwegian Immigration service, UDI. We are not alone. There are 10s of thousands more of Norwegian citizens not being allowed to live together with their foreign spouses in Norway. They are vilified, scrutinized and questioned about authenticity and reason. (Similar policies are found elsewhere. People denied entrance to their own countries like the UK and the EU nations like Denmark).

The name of the movie reflects the requirements demanded by the immigration services. Many who fail to comply are forced to live as so-called “Love Refugees” in other countries like Sweden.

These Love Refugees are being put on trial by demons of Nationalism.

This movie shows our story trough the story of Rostam and Rakhsh as told by the Persian poet Ferdowsi in his epic poem Shahname (The story of kings). These are ancient stories written down by the turn of the first millennia.

Rostam and his faithful companion Rakhsh sets out to save the King. Doing so they need to complete seven trials. This film depicts 6 of them, as we have yet to complete our trials.

Claret White

Claret , or deep purplish red often attributed as the color of Blood, and White as Redemption are the main subject of this video. Aggression of war is significant and recurring throughout history. Only the lasting memory of the destruction of war and the corpses left behind on the soil will never change. The memories and resentment of the acts of war committed are later multiplied and inherited down the lines of generations.

These exact pictures are relating to the Iran Iraq war.

Expect Expulsion

‘Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days
Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays:
Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
And one by one back in the Closet lays.


A video Essay About Tactility